Tag Archives: George W. Bush

Matt Taibbi Skewers Bush One Last Time

Rolling Stone writer Matt Taibbi bids our worst President farewell with a hilarious imaginary exit interview in the pages of his magazine. Bush’s incompetence, incuriosity and inability to do anything more than be a monstrous bastard are all giving their just summation.


There’s only an excerpt available online, but the funniest parts seem to be in the print version, which is well worth tracking down. My favorite exchange:

We’re now in the middle of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. Do you feel any responsibility for what’s happening?

Hey, markets is markets. Whatever happens in a market is what’s supposed to happen. You’re not supposed to interfere. That’s why they call the market the hidden hand. If I can see your hands, it’s communism.


Are you saying that what’s happening is good?


I’m saying if you hand a retard a pistol and he shoots himself, that’s the market. And markets are good.


So when it comes to the economy, your policy was to hand out pistols to retards.


All I’m saying is that if you did hand him a pistol, he might shoot himself and he might not. But if he does, that’s capitalism, and that’s the system we live by. It’s America.

Catching Up With The Convention

I finally was able to watch some of the Democratic National Convention last night, and I was impressed with the speeches offered by Bill Clinton and John Kerry. (Evan Bayh, on the other hand, did a good job of highlighting why shouldn’t have even been in the running for the Vice Presidential candidate).

I particularly liked the way Kerry reversed the flip-flop meme that targeted him to settle it on McCain instead (transcript from Crooks and Liars).

I have known and been friends with John McCain for almost 22 years, but every day now I learn something new about Candidate McCain. To those who still believe in the myth of a maverick instead of the reality of a politician, I say let’s compare Senator McCain to Candidate McCain.

Candidate McCain now supports the very wartime tax cuts that Senator McCain once called irresponsible. Candidate McCain criticizes Senator McCain’s own climate change bill. Candidate McCain says he would vote against the immigration bill that Senator McCain wrote.

Are you kidding me, folks?

(Laughter, cheers, applause.)

Talk about being for it before you’re against it!

(Cheers, applause.)

Let me tell you, before he ever debates Barack Obama, John McCain should finish the debate with himself.

McCain has reversed himself on nearly all of the issues that created his supposed “maverick” status. I think pointing out his inconsistencies, along with highlighting his general lockstep agreement with Bush, is the best way to persuade voters not to choose four more years of the same.