G. Xavier Robillard Publishes “Captain Freedom”!

FLYMF Alum G. Xavier Robillard has published a book, “Captain Freedom: A Superhero’s Quest for Freedom, Justice, and the Celebrity He So Richly Deservers.” It sounds like a fun spoof of superhero tropes—the book’s description reads:

Freedom’s fifteen minutes are over!

Software pirates! Mostly extinct dinosaurs! Giant barbarians! Crooning criminals! Captain Freedom’s beat them all, saved the world, and looked fantastic doing it—but he couldn’t fend off middle management.

The Superhero lifestyle is all that Captain Freedom has ever known. What’s he supposed to do now? Enter politics? Write a children’s book?

Freedom’s in a bad way and he’s only a stint in rehab away from a lifetime of celebrity reality shows. But with the guidance of his new life coach, maybe Freedom can stumble in a new direction—even if it means having to make peace with his parents . . . or finally commit to a single long-term archenemy.

Robillard is promoting the book via his blog, The Taste of Freedom, which features regular updates on superhero-themed topics. Check it out for more info, or better yet, support him by picking up a copy of the book!

His work for FLYMF included “When George Lucas Gets His Hands on Other Blockbusters.”