Spread the Wealth

The New York Times has an interesting article on new ideas for aiding the developing world, focusing on economist Lant Prichett, who argues for increasing opportunities for workers in developing nations to work in wealthy countries. By freeing labor from the boundaries that have largely been lifted from the flow of goods, we can have a huge impact on alleviating global poverty.

The argument raises some caveats; it’s uncertain how the logistics of moving and housing vast amounts of people would be overcome. Also, I remain skeptical that guest worker programs wouldn’t be conduits to exploitation—look at how laborers in “Right to Work” states compare to the unionized counterparts.

The article provides a welcome counterpoint to the nastiness illuminating much of the current “debate” about immigration in the United States, though. After all, Americans aren’t more worthy for having been born here; those born in developing nations didn’t choose their suffering. Why someone should starve to respect the sanctity of our borders is beyond me.

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