Mockery Is All That Remains (well, and maybe two more losses)

One good thing about the worst season in Notre Dame football history? It’s provided some good fodder for the Onion.

U.S. Military Wasting All Its Victories on Notre Dame

“It’s important to realize that our young men have been fighting pitched battles against religious fanatics who have been brainwashed into a culture that seeks to destroy all other ways of life,” Air Force head coach Troy Calhoun said Monday. “That’s just the way Notre Dame football is, the way it’s always been. You can’t reason with people like that. You destroy them as completely, remorselessly, and quickly as you can.”

Past articles from the top sources of fake news: Notre Dame Football Team Having Worst Season Since Corinthians, Notre Dame Football Announces Improvements To Its Storied History, and Notre Dame Unveils New “Holding Jesus”