Illegal Use of Joe Zopp in the Beloit International Film Festival

Illegal Use of Joe Zopp, the hilarious feature film created by FLYMF co-founder Nick Holle and his amigos in WutWutAlma Productions, will be playing in the Beloit International Film Festival the weekend of February 19-22.

The details:

Zopp will play at the restaurant theater at Atlanta Bread Company, 2747 Milwaukee Road, Beloit, Wis., on Friday and Sunday. The two screenings are:
— Friday, February 20, 2009 at 7:30 pm
— Sunday, February 22, 2009 at 5:00 pm

Anyone near the Beloit area should  head out to support the independent filmmakers. Their movie is great (aided, of course, by a gut-busting cameo by yours truly), and they deserve a big audience.