Larry Gaffney Fiction in Underground Voices Magazine

FLYMF Alum Larry Gaffney has a story, “Rat in the Ivy,” published at Underground Voices Magazine. This funny piece of short fiction sees Cheney’s one-percent doctrine applied to the egos and bluster of tenure-track academia. Waterboarding and (sadly, a fictional site) both make welcome appearances.

Larry’s work for FLYMF includes Selected E-mails From Cabot Sinclair, Literary Agent And Really Nice Guy, Notes On Contributors, Scene From A Creative Writing Seminar Conducted By David Milch, The Lost Seinfeld Episodes, Things I Wish I Had Never Said, Christian Rock Group Days Of Fire Decides To Cover The Frank Zappa Catalogue, With A Few Changes, Writers Guidelines For The Salt Lick Review, Ill-advised Resume Objectives, A Correspondence, Larry’s Open Proposal